Logo - Q-Visit - Horizontal
Logo - Q-Visit - Horizontal

Streamline the process of receiving, tracking, and simplifying guest management, with Visitor Management

The Q-Cal Visitor Management software makes receiving guests easy for both you and your visitor. – Because first impressions matter!

Visitor Management self check in screen, with a multi company design

No more “where to go” and “who to talk to”

Visitor Management makes receiving guests seamless while ensuring a professional first impression. Perfect for any organization this system streamlines the visitor sign-in process, enhancing security and efficiency.

Woman checking in on guest registration screen.

Optimal Guest Management


Instant notification

When a visitor signs in, the employee they are visiting will get an instant notification either by mail or SMS to pick up their guest. You avoid interrupting several employees, whenever guests arrive.

ID Card

Visitor Badge

Make your visitors visible. With a digital visitor sign-in system, you can automatically print a badge saying “Visitor” or let your visitor create their own name tag.


Free Up Resources

With visitor check-in software you free up time for your receptionist to do other important things. When a visitor arrives he/she will be notified automatically.

Automate Reception Tasks

Free up your receptionist’s time by automating visitor notifications, allowing staff to focus on other important tasks.

Reducing confusion and wait times.

1. Visitor Arrival

Guests choose their visiting status—appointment or no appointment.

2. Notification

The system notifies the relevant employee instantly.

The Visitor Check-In Software That Has Everything

Office building

Multi and Single Company Check-In

Tailor the visitor experience with specific protocols, whether sharing space with other companies or managing a single-company visitor flow.

Package bok

Carrier Feature

Simplify deliveries with a designated button, directing carriers to exactly where they need to go.

Web design

Custom Design

Personalize the interface to reflect your company’s brand, enhancing the professional appearance of your sign-in process.


Parking Registration

Enable guests to register their vehicle upon arrival to avoid parking issues.

Add friend icon

Guest Registration

Track sign-in and sign-out times, provide reusable name tags and send check-out reminders for better guest management.

holding phone

Mobile Check-In

Leverage QR code technology, and let guest use their mobile to check-in.

Active Map and SignageView

Utilize interactive layouts of your facilities and dynamically display important information on digital signage.

Digital signage screen placed in lobby and displaying a SignageView of a meeting aggenda

Why Choose Visitor Management?


Enhanced Security

Know who is in your building at all times.


Improved Efficiency

Reduce administrative burdens and streamline visitor processing.


Professional Appearance

Make a strong first impression with a sleek, customized sign-in system.

What Our Clients Say

Transform Your Visitor Management Today

Ready to reduce confusion and wait times?

Book a meeting and get a free trial to see the difference Visitor Management can make in your organization.

Rounded images of two sales people from NordicScreen. Daniel to the left and Luca to the right.


Answers to some frequently asked questions.

A Visitor Management system, also known as a self-service check-in system, lets guests check themselves in and notify you of their arrival.

A Visitor Management system consists of a touchscreen placed in the lobby with software developed for visitor management. The system then lets your employee know that a guest has arrived.

A visitor management solution helps you greet guests in a professional and modern manner. A Q-Cal Visitor Management solution can be used in single-office companies and shared office spaces. It is a way to free up resources for your receptionist, or it might function as your digital reception.

There are several benefits of a visitor management solution. The benefits can be everything from fewer disturbances for your employees to freeing up time for the people watching your reception.

By creating your solution by combining the many visitor management features, you also get:

  • The benefits of parking registration directly on your screen
  • A delivery feature assisting in receiving packages
  • A guest registration that helps you know who is in your building in case of emergencies.

Check out all the features available.

A visitor management solution consists of both hardware and software.

To get a better idea of the prices, see the price page to see the price for the software. If you want hardware recommendations, don’t hesitate to contact us.

A visitor management solution is an investment, and often several people are involved in the decision-making process. However, having a good understanding of the issues you want to be solved is a great starting point.

Read the guide How to get started with your visitor management solution, and see where to go from here.

Get in Touch with us

Have questions about Q-Visit or need more information? Fill out the form below, and our team will get back to you as soon as possible. We’re here to help!

NordicScreen ApS   •   VAT.: DK39553988   •   Normansvej 1, 8920 Randers NV   •   Denmark   •   Email: [email protected]   •   Tel.: +45 71 92 62 22

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