
Choosing the proper hardware for your conference room scheduling solution is essential. It can be a significant investment and you need to be sure, that the hardware you choose lives up to your aesthetic preferences and durability needs.

Here you can find the hardware that is compatible with the Q-Cal software.


Metting Room display screen with booking design

Supported models:

– ProDVX – 10SLB

– ProDVX – 10SLBe

– ProDVX – 10SLBWN

– ProDVX – 10XPL

Read more about ProDVX


Qbic screen compatible with Q-Cal Meeting Room Booker software.

Supported models:

– TP-1050


Iiyama Meeting Room Display

Supported model:

– iiyama TW1023ASC-B1P  


iPad with Q-Cal installed and used as a meeting room booking display.


How to choose your hardware

When you are choosing your hardware you should consider things like durability, features, and visual excretion. Maybe your company already has a type of hardware that you prefer? If not, you can find some things that are worth considering in this blog post:

Essential hardware features for meeting room displays

Woman booking a meeting on a Q-Cal meeting room display.


Q-Play v2

Q-Play v1


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