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Become your own designer with our DesignTool

Q-Play is controlled by our popular and userfriendly editor. The editor can handle anything from one to several hundred screens at the same time.

In Q-Play you find more than 30 different apps ready to help you visualize your content. You only need to grab your data, design it beautifully, and share your information.

With DesignTool, you get a blank canvas that you design by dragging, placing, and resizing apps. – Kinda like PowerPoint.

The designs you create can all be time-managed depending on their content. This way every campaign, birthday, or company dashboard is automatically updated and displayed on your screen, at the exact time you want.

Your designs are each connected to a player, which then displays the design on your screens.

Digtal Signage Design

Do you want a professional design?

If you are not up for a do-it-yourself project or if you just want a professional designer to design your digital signage screens. We have some very skilled people ready to help you realize your digital signage dreams.

Products: pil menu

Q-Play icon Q-Play – Digital Signage

Design and develop your digital signage solution.

Q-Play icon Q-Cal – Booking

Automate your calendar data and visualize it.

Q-Play icon Q-Host – Conference Room Display

Ensure efficient use of conference facilities with seamless integrations.

Q-Play icon Q-Visit – Visitor Management

Welcome visitors and create professional digital guest experience.

Q-Play icon Q-Power – Power Management

Automated power control for cost and resource savings.