Terms & Conditions

About NordicScreen

NordicScreen ApS (NordicScreen / us/we) provides software for digital signage solutions for B2B markets. NordicScreen offers cloud-based CMS solutions through Q-Play.net and Q-Cal.net. The products are available in a free version and a paid version. In addition, a number of additional products and services are offered.

In addition to NordicScreen products, we operate NordicScreen.com, Help.Nordicscreen.com, and other websites. Together with NordicScreen’s other online channels (Websites), these provide the necessary help and information to current and potential customers for NordicScreen products.
NordicScreen products are offered exclusively to corporate customers.


Products: The total portfolio of paid as well as free products and services. Supplied by NordicScreen and the related companies in the Group.

Data: Data generated by customers’ use of NordicScreen products. As well as data obtained through external system integrations. Booking data is limited to data that the data controller chooses to send to NordicScreen.

Data Contains user information, booking data, technical information, and traffic information (operating system, browser type, keyboard language, IP address, and the like)

Data controller: The units that decide for what purposes and with what tools personal data may be processed.

Data Processor: The units that process Personal Data on behalf of the Data Controller.

Customer data: Data belonging to the customer (or its users) and processed in the products such as customer databases, and user information.

Personal information: Any information that can be related to an identified person, or data that can directly or indirectly identify a person.

End customer: Individuals or legal units using NordicScreen products, Is defined as an appointment number in Q-Play as well as an account in Q-Cal.

Official reseller: Official reseller handles customer relationships between the end customer and NordicScreen. The official reseller has a trade agreement with NordicScreen. Examples of official resellers can be found here: NordicScreen Partners

NordicScreen may have unpublished resellers.

1. Acceptance of subscription and terms

A remarketing cookie is placed on your device so that when you leave our website, we can show you ads for NordicScreen and our products that you may be interested in based on your past behavior on the website. This information is not personally identifiable.

Facebook Remarketing

1.1. The present Terms of Purchase (hereinafter “Terms”) are accepted together with product-specific conditions when trading with NordicScreen. product conditions can be found at https://nordicscreen.com//terms-and-conditions

1.2. The terms and conditions apply between NordicScreen ApS, CVR number 39553988, Normansvej 1, 8920 Randers NV hereafter “NordicScreen”, the end customer hereafter called the “End customer” and official reseller hereafter resellers.

2. Use of NordicScreen products

2.1. NordicScreen products offer a free demo version and a paid version.

2.1.1. When an account is created, the user accepts NordicScreen´s terms of sale and delivery, privacy policy, and standard data processing agreement. NordicScreen does not offer customer-specific data processing agreements unless explicitly stated in the offer and the order confirmation.

2.2. NordicScreen only offers the sale of paid products through official resellers. NordicScreen’s official resellers can be found here: NordicScreen Partners

2.2.1. NordicScreen reserves the right to sell directly to end customers where this is best for the overall delivery.

2.3. By using NordicScreen´s products in the Demo version, end customers also accept that NordicScreen shares user data, customer data, and personal information with official resellers of NordicScreen products.

2.4. By using NordicScreen’s paid products, you accept that the customer relationship, as well as the data relationship, is between the end customer, and therefore the user of NordicScreen products, and your official reseller.

2.5. By using NordicScreen products, including the use of demo products and or entering into a trade with NordicScreen, you personally agree that you can legally accept these conditions on behalf of you as an end customer and or as an official reseller.

2.6. NordicScreen may change and update these terms and conditions If needed at any time. The terms in use will always be available on our websites.

2.7. If NordicScreen’s products or services are used in accordance with updated conditions, this will be regarded as your acceptance of the changed conditions.

3. Dealer conditions

3.1. Official dealers are required to ensure compliance with all applicable laws. This applies to copyright and data law.

3.2. Official resellers are always obliged to keep up to date with NordicScreens terms of use.

3.3. All trade between NordicScreen and official dealers is based on the current dealer agreement, and standard terms and conditions which can be found here: https://nordicscreen.com//terms-and-conditions.

3.4. As an official reseller, you only have the opportunity to sell and service NordicScreen products as long as a valid dealer agreement is in place.

3.5. As a reseller, there is a non-exclusivity right for NordicScreens products, including related services.

4. Use of Products and Purchase of Additional Products and Services

4.1. By using NordicScreens products, a non-exclusive and time-limited use right is obtained. This right applies only to the specified legal entities. The applications must not be used by others or to provide data processing or services for legal entities and organizations. As an end customer, you personally represent and have full responsibility for those to whom you give access to the products or who use your login.

4.2. An agreement with NordicScreen may not transfer to a third party without the written consent of NordicScreen.

5. Price and payment terms

5.1. Prices are available from NordicScreen as well as official resellers. Prices are shown without VAT. NordicScreen reserves the right to change the product composition, content, and prices of products and subscriptions with notification by email or by posting on our websites.

5.1.1. NordicScreen may change prices on existing products with 3 months’ notice.

5.2. Products purchased at NordicScreen are invoiced in advance with annual payment. This can only be changed if the parties have entered into a separate agreement on this.

5.3. With end-user use of NordicScreen’s paid features, invoicing of used products to official resellers will take place. NordicScreen reserves the right to post invoices if features have been used without a valid subscription.

5.4. Offer from NordicScreen is valid for 3 weeks from the offer date.

5.5. All delivery takes place from Normansvej 1, 8920 Randers.

6. Right of Cancellation

6.1. NordicScreen products and supplementary services are offered digitally exclusively to traders, and therefore no 14-day right of cancelation applies.

7. Termination and subscription renewal

7.1. Termination must take place no later than the day before a new subscription period is invoiced, also called the invoicing time, see point 7.2. Termination is sent per email to [email protected] with the topic “Termination”

7.2. The subscription is automatically renewed 30 days before expiration, also called the invoicing time, unless termination has taken place, see point 7.1.

7.3. Official resellers can contact [email protected] at any time to have their account deleted. This is considered a cancellation/termination of your subscription.

7.4. If an account is deleted during a subscription period, the end customer and the official reseller will continue to pay for the products until the subscription date has expired. There will be no refund. Existing obligations apply throughout the subscription period and as long as the account is active.

7.5. We reserve the right to cancel subscriptions at 30 days’ notice.

7.6. If NordicScreen does not receive payment in a timely manner, we reserve the right to temporarily close your account until payment has been made.

7.7. If these conditions it not followed, NordicScreen can cancel the subscription and close the account with immediate effect.

8. Transfer

8.1. NordicScreen reserves the right to freely assign rights and obligations to you to a group affiliate or third party. NordicScreen also has the right to use subcontractors, including for storing and processing data. The current list of subcontractors that we use for data processing is available at: NordicScreen.com/subcontractors


9. Customer data

9.1. As the end-user customer, you are the Data Manager for any Personal Information that is uploaded and processed in the Products. In addition, as an end-user customer, you own your own data in the application. To these conditions, a data processing agreement has been made, to which reference is made as to additional conditions for processing Personal Data. Personal data for which we are responsible for processing will be processed in accordance with our data processing agreement.

9.2. The products allow you to export or delete all data. Such exports must be completed by you before your paid or free subscription ends.

9.3. NordicScreen is entitled to retain customer data from terminated subscriptions in order to use it in anonymized form for statistics and analysis of the applications.

9.4. NordicScreen may use data to maintain, offer and develop additional products, price the products, and brand/sale in accordance with applicable legislation if the necessary security measures have been taken. In cases where Personal Information such as email address and IP address are included in this work, Nordicscreen must anonymize this data. If the anonymization is not possible due to technical or practical limitations, we must implement alternative compensatory security measures to ensure applicable legislation.

9.5. NordicScreen may share data with other companies in the Group under the same terms and conditions as described in this agreement.

9.6. NordicScreen may grant third parties and authorities access to data, however only in accordance with the relevant data protection law in connection with judgment, governmental claims, the bankruptcy of the customer, death, or else.

9.7. Information from aggregated and statistically collected material may in special cases be sold to third parties. Specifically, it should be mentioned that the data is anonymous and will therefore not be identifiable at any time.

9.8. When paying, your Personal Information is processed by one or more payment companies. For more information about the payment companies that we use, we refer to their terms and conditions.

9.9. NordicScreen is entitled to share customer information with official resellers.

10. Customer’s access to own data

10.1. By using NordicScreen products, end customers have full access to their own accounts and data at all times. When downgrading, this means that the end customer no longer has access to the data that is part of the previous solution. We keep this data as long as NordicScreen products are actively used.

10.2. Customer data is deleted or anonymized on an ongoing basis as the purpose for which it was collected ends.

10.3. If end customers have not been active in the service for 12 months, we will delete your data in accordance with data protection law. The end customer and official reseller will be notified by email a month before your data is deleted.

11. Updates and operational stability

11.1. NordicScreen reserves the right to update and change products. In some cases, it may be necessary to close access to products and our websites while updates are being made. We strive for the highest possible operational stability for the products but do not guarantee this.

12. Customer’s use of NordicScreen Products

12.1. The end customer is solely responsible for the content and legality of the data and may not transfer or process any malicious code, data, or other (such as viruses) to the Software or with the Software, or use the Software for any illegal or malicious purposes.

12.2. NordicScreen offers a number of services that are subject to separate conditions. These are included as a complete part of the agreement. Applicable conditions can be found at https://nordicscreen.com///terms-and-conditions/

12.3. NordicScreen offers content from a number of content providers. NordicScreen cannot at any time be held responsible for missing, misleading, or offensive content from content providers

12.4. As a final customer, you are solely responsible for ensuring that content displayed or played on NordicScreen products complies with applicable law. Including copyright law.

12.5. As an end customer, you are responsible for paying the necessary costs to the copyright owner.

13. Support

13.1. NordicScreen provides two types of support

13.1.1. Direct 1st Line support for end customers

13.1.2. Extended 2. Line support for dealers and partners

13.2. If the products have been purchased through an official reseller, all support will be forwarded to the respective reseller, who made the subscription.

13.2.1. By contacting NordicScreen Support, it is accepted by the end-user, that NordicScreen sends full correspondence including customer data, user data, and personal information for the retailer.

13.3. NordicScreen support is delivered according to the SLA in use at any time, which can be found at https://nordicscreen.com/sla

14. Hardware

14.1. NordicScreen is a software company that offers software for a wide range of hardware platforms.

14.2. NordicScreen has hardware collaboration with a number of hardware partners. Hardware purchases are made directly between the end customer or the official dealer and the hardware partner.

14.3. NordicScreen cannot at any time be held responsible for errors, deficiencies, discontinued functions, or any other inconveniences on hardware that affect the operation of NordicScreen products.

14.4. All hardware support and troubleshooting must be done directly between the customer and the hardware partner.

14.5 Hardware is typically delivered in 7 days from payment.

15. Responsibility

15.1. NordicScreen disclaims any responsibility in relation to these terms, services, or use of the service, whether in contract or out of contract, including consequential or other indirect losses as well as losses incurred as a result of simple negligence.

15.2. NordicScreen is not responsible for any product breakdowns or interruptions, power or internet breakdowns, system vandalism (both physical as well as computer viruses and hacking), or other circumstances and circumstances beyond NordicScreen’s control. It cannot be guaranteed that NordicScreen products can be used on any PC, and use will always require that the user has software and programs recommended by NordicScreen.

15.3. The maximum liability to the end customer for whatever reason may never exceed an amount bigger than the end customer’s total payment of remuneration for one year for the use of the Applications.

15.4. All contact with NordicScreen should be considered as guidance. NordicScreens support is indicative and aims to ensure the end customer’s success with NordicScreen products. NordicScreen cannot be held responsible for losses or other costs based on guidance.

15.5. Every schedule of delivery of services from NordicScreen is guiding. Schedules and deadlines may be changed at any time without customers accepted by NordicScreen.

15.6. Force majeure. Notwithstanding any contrary terms in the Agreement, NordicScreen will not be responsible to the end customer or official resellers for non-fulfillment of obligations attributable to force majeure. The responsibility remains as long as force majeure exists. Force majeure is considered to be circumstances that are beyond the control of the company and which the company should not have foreseen at the conclusion of the agreement. Examples of force majeure are unusual natural conditions, war, terror, fire, flood, vandalism, local as well as global health crises, epidemics, pandemics, and labor disputes.

16. Copyright and other intangible assets rights

16.1. NordicScreen owns the copyright and other intellectual property rights to the products as well as all material on our websites and in the products. All use requires our written consent.

16.2. No intellectual property rights are transferred to the products, features, or other material on the website or the products to you as an end customer or official reseller.

16.3. As an end customer, only the use right to NordicScreens products is obtained. Including special features.

16.4. As an official reseller, only the use right to NordicScreens products is obtained. Including special features.

16.5. NordicScreen is at any time allowed to use customer-specific designs and other materials made by NordicScreen.

17. Disputes

17.1. In the event of disagreement between the official distributor and or the end customer and NordicScreen, the disagreement must be settled in accordance with Danish law with the City Court of Randers as the first instance.

These terms are valid from May 20, 2020, replacing all previous versions.




Q-Play v2

Q-Play v1


Do you need help moving to Q-Play v2? Contact our support at [email protected] or at +45 71 92 62 22