"No Show" Reminders

By using the “No Show” Reminders feature, you can significantly enhance the efficiency and reliability of your meeting room management, ensuring that valuable resources are used effectively and employees experience fewer scheduling issues.

A meeting room with a screen mounted in the corner of the wall displaying Q-Play.

Reduces Room Wastage

 “No show” reminders help mitigate the problem of booked but unused meeting rooms. If a meeting is not confirmed within a certain timeframe, the system can send reminders to the organizer and participants, prompting them to take action. This ensures that rooms are not left unused due to forgotten or canceled meetings, allowing others to utilize the space.

Having the “No Show” reminder as an automated feature reduces the need for manual monitoring. The Meeting Room Booker system handles the reminders and updates automatically, freeing up staff to focus on more strategic tasks.

At the same time addressing no-shows promptly, the system ensures that meeting rooms are available for others who might need them. This leads to better utilization of available space, maximizing the efficiency of your office environment and ensuring that meeting rooms are used to their full potential.

ABOUT “No Show” Reminders
This feature aim is to ensure that valuable resources are used effectively and employees experience fewer scheduling issues.


Q-Play v2

Q-Play v1


Do you need help moving to Q-Play v2? Contact our support at [email protected] or at +45 71 92 62 22