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Standard DPA

We care about your data safety, and we work hard every day to make sure your information is secure.

Cloud data

Your Safety Matters

We know that uploading your information can be scary, and we want to ensure that using our services is completely safe. We take several measures to make sure your data is protected.

Our standard Data Processing Agreement protects all NordicScreen customers.

If your company has special safety requests that are not included in the standard DPA agreement, we also offer the option of creating custom agreements.

Products: pil menu

Q-Play icon Q-Play – Digital Signage

Design and develop your digital signage solution.

Q-Play icon Q-Cal – Booking

Automate your calendar data and visualize it.

Q-Play icon Q-Host – Conference Room Display

Ensure efficient use of conference facilities with seamless integrations.

Q-Play icon Q-Visit – Visitor Management

Welcome visitors and create professional digital guest experience.

Q-Play icon Q-Power – Power Management

Automated power control for cost and resource savings.