Standard Design

Take a point of reference in the avaliable standard designs and create your very own meeting room booker.

Conference room scheduling display with a dark design.

A Place to start

The library of standard designs available for Q-Cal Meeting Room Booker provides you with a great starting point for creating the look of your meeting room booking screens.

With a point of reference in your favorite standard design, you can change the colors, add images, and features, and switch up logos to make the design match your brand.

ABOUT Standard Designs
Designs created by the NordicScreen graphical team, to make it easier for you to get started.


Logo Q-Play Horizontal

Q-Play v2

Logo Q-Power Horizontal


Logo Q-Play Horizontal

Q-Play v1

Do you need help moving to Q-Play v2? Contact our support at [email protected] or at +45 71 92 62 22