IP Filters

With the IP Filters added to your solution, you increase your security level and ensure only people on specific IP addresses and with login, can access your Q-Cal Booking solution.

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Keep Your Data Safe

By implementing IP filters, you can restrict access to your meeting room booking system to only those within your office network or specified IP ranges. This prevents unauthorized access from external sources, safeguarding your company’s sensitive information and resources. It ensures that only employees or authorized personnel can book rooms, reducing the risk of misuse or external interference.

Limiting access to your booking system through IP filters can also protect against spam bookings and automated bot interactions that could potentially clutter your scheduling system with fake bookings. This keeps your meeting schedules clean and reliable, ensuring that all bookings are legitimate and authorized.

ABOUT IP Filters
IP Filters help enhance the security and efficiency of managing your meeting spaces.


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Q-Play v2

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Q-Play v1

Do you need help moving to Q-Play v2? Contact our support at [email protected] or at +45 71 92 62 22